Sunday, September 19, 2010

well maybe i will post this one.

tonight....being 9ish......popcorn time:

put coconut oil in the bottom of a large soup pot. about 2 tablespoons or more.
cover the bottom of the pot with popcorn kernels. Cover and put on high heat....just until popping starts. Then lower the heat to medium/highish, pick up pot and swirl around the kernels....get those kernels movin'! Return to heat and allow popping to occur.
Once you hear the popping slow down check the goods. Be sure not to burn. Pewww.
When done drizzle with olive oil, salt (good salt. gray, pink)
or butter and salt- for a bigger butt.
or earthbalance and salt-  for a vegan butter butt.  
simple and soooooo freakin' good.

You could also do this trick:
I like to dump all the popcorn in a big ol' paper bag and drizzle and spice in it....and shake it about. It does a great job.

Coconut oil is the key to this one. 

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